Efforts afoot to bring
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Efforts afoot to bring TTP to talks, says Interior Minister

Efforts afoot to bring TTP to talks, says Interior Minister ISLAMABAD: N’ime ọgba aghara nke ndị na-eyi ọha egwu na mba ahụ, Minista ime obodo…

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Imran asks Islamabad
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PTI says it will ‘resist’ government of technocrats

PTI says it will ‘resist’ government of technocrats ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) will oppose any attempt to form a technocratic government in the country,…

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PM reiterates
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PM reiterates resolve for rehabilitation

PM reiterates resolve for rehabilitation SOHBATPUR: Prime Minista Shehbaz Sharif na Wednesde kwuputara olile anya ya na obodo mepere emepe ga-agbago iji kwado mwughachi na…

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North Korea fires ballistic
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North Korea fires ballistic missiles capping record year of tests

North Korea fires ballistic missiles capping record year of tests SEOUL: North Korea gbara ogbunigwe atọ dị mkpụmkpụ na Satọde, ndị agha Seoul kwuru, na-agbakwunye…

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Brooklyn Beckham
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Brooklyn Beckham was worried Nicola 

Brooklyn Beckham was worried Nicola Brooklyn Beckham, who tied the knot with Nicola Peltz in a lavish ceremony earlier this year, recently admitted he’s worried…

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Pizza company trolls
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Pizza company trolls Andrew Tate following his arrest in Romania

Pizza company trolls Andrew Tate following his arrest in Romania Tuairiscíodh go raibh sé indéanta gabháil ith tar éis d’oifigigh a bheith sáinnithe chuig a…

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First-ever cartel case:
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First-ever cartel case: Supreme Court upholds

First-ever cartel case: Supreme Court upholds ISLAMABAD: La Supera Kortumo de Pakistano konfirmis la rezultojn de Konkurado-Komisiono de Pakistano (CCP) kontraŭ la Pakistan Poultry Association…

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Economic growth
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Economic growth likely to remain below budget target

Economic growth likely to remain below budget target islamabad;Fjármálaráðuneytið hefur bent á samsetningar áskorana fyrir efnahag Pakistans, þar á meðal lágan vöxt, meiri verðbólgu og…

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President assents
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President calls for nationwide energy

President calls for nationwide energy ISLAMABAD: The country’s president, Dr. Ariz Ali on Thursday called for the establishment of a national system for inclusive and…

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President assents
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President assents to law requiring TV channels to air news with sign language

President assents to law requiring TV channels to air news with sign language President Dr. Ariz Ali passed the Media Accessibility (Deaf) Act 2022, which…

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