Saudi Arabia announces execution of 5 men convicted over death

Saudi Arabia announces execution

Saudi Arabia announces execution of 5 men convicted over death

Saudi Arabia announces execution
Saudi Arabia announces execution

Saudi Arabia on Monday announced the execution of five people in the Eastern Province convicted of their part in an attack on a house of worship.

The men, four Saudis and an Egyptian national, were tried over the incident that took place in and left five people dead and several others injured.

The Egyptian had been found guilty of targeting a house of worship, shooting at security guards, attempting to blow himself up, and belonging to a terrorist organization, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Three of the other four men were convicted of belonging to the organization and helping the Egyptian plan and execute the attack. The fourth was found guilty of belonging to the same terrorist group, failing to inform the authorities about the operation, and inciting another of the men to join the organization.

The executions were announced by the Saudi Ministry of Interior.

Nada Al-Reemi stands in front of a clay block for more than seven hours, turning it into a work of art, carving out details of the eyes, nose and other facial features. She does not stop until it looks just right.

The Saudi sculptor began her career out of curiosity and a desire to try something new, discovering her talent and learning new skills along the way.

“When I finished my first ever sculpture, I had a feeling of happiness and achievement that exceeds the feelings I get when I draw,” told Arab News.

“Then I made another sculpture representing my features and when I was done, I knew I could sculpt anything,” she added.

Since she was a little girl, has enjoyed painting and playing dough, with her mother teaching.

Author: Dilshad Malik

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