Morocco earthquake death toll passes 2,800,

Morocco earthquake death toll passes 2,800,

Morocco earthquake death toll passes 2,800,

Morocco earthquake death toll passes 2,800,

Morocco’s worst earthquake in more than a century claimed more than 2,800 lives, and residents in the devastated areas spent a fourth night outside on Monday.

In an effort to identify survivors of the 6.8-magnitude earthquake that slammed the High Atlas Mountains late Friday and destroyed the area’s customary mud-brick homes, Moroccan rescue teams have been joined by teams from Spain, Britain, and Qatar.

On Monday night, state television claimed that 2,862 persons had passed away and 2,562 had been injured. Because a large portion of the earthquake zone is located in rural locations, authorities have not provided any estimates for the number of missing persons.

The majority of the homes in Tinmel’s village were destroyed, leaving no one to live there. Parts of the hamlet are filled with the foul odor brought on by the innumerable animals buried beneath the debris.

He said that the earthquake happened as he and his family were eating dinner.

Elhasan stated that after asking for assistance, he went looking for his childThey might live in their house with Elhasan, his wife, and their daughter.

If he hadn’t, he would have been OK.

Residents of Tinmel and the other villages claimed to have extracted victims from the debris using just their bare hands.

In Tikekhte, where only a few structures remain, Mohamed Ouchen, 66, detailed how locals saved 25 people, including his sister.

“We were focused on saving lives.” “We used our hands because we didn’t have any tools,” he said. We kept hand-digging until we could see her head.

Bomberos Unidos Sin Fronteras (BUSF) is a group of United Firefighters. Spanish rescuer Antonio Nogales was able to get footage of people and dogs walking across rubble-covered steep hills in the remote community of Imi N’Tala.

Nogales struggled to express what was happening on Monday, only managing to say, “The level of destruction is… absolute.”


Author: ejazmalik

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