Nepra fixes new tariffs after base price increases

Nepra fixes new tariffs

Nepra fixes new tariffs after base price increases

Nepra fixes new tariffs
Nepra fixes new tariffs

ISLAMABAD: The NEPRA (National Electric Power Regulatory Authority) issued its reserved verdict on the federal government’s request for an increase in electricity prices, in which it endorsed the move and fixed new tariffs for different categories of consumers.

According to Nepra’s decision, the new price for domestic consumers consuming up to 100 units of electricity per month will rise by Rs3 and by Rs4 falling in the 101 to 200 slab. Hence, the new tariffs after the latest hike for the two categories now stand at Rs16.48 and Rs22.95 per unit respectively.

However, these two sets of consumers would remain fully immune from the tariff hike through the subsidies allocated by the federal government in the budget

Details of the remaining slabs for domestic consumers are given below:

201 to 300 units: increase Rs5, new price Rs.27.14 per unit.

301 to 400 units: increase Rs6.50, new price Rs.32.03 per unit.

401 to 500 units: new price Rs35.24 per unit.

501 to 600 units: new price Rs36.66 per unit.

601 to 700 units: new price Rs37.80 per unit

Over 700 units: new price Rs.42.72 per unit. However, the actual tariff would be more than Rs50 per unit after imposition of additional GST.

The increase in electricity tariff will be applicable from July 1 after the government issues a notification.

Last week, the federal cabinet had approved a massive hike – Rs3.50 to Rs7.96 per unit – in electricity base tariff through circulation as Pakistan is moving ahead to meet the harsh IMF conditions under the $3 billion deal reached a stand-by arrangement .

As a result, the matter sent to the Nepra to formally incorporate the new tariff for which the regulator held a public hearing to decide the matter before a final notification.


Author: Dilshad Malik

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