After sewage overflows, Thames Water’s CEO resigns

After sewage overflows, Thames Water's CEO resigns

After sewage overflows, Thames Water’s CEO resigns


Thames Water’s chief executive has quit after two years on the job, only weeks after she was forced to return her bonus owing to sewage spills.

Thames Water stated that Sarah Bentley would be leaving immediately but will continue to help the company until a replacement was identified.

Ms Bentley said last month that she would forego her incentive owing to the company’s poor performance.

The corporation has been concerned about raw sewage leaks into waterways.

Thames Water is the largest water utility in the UK, with around 15 million users

In 2022, sewage reached rivers and oceans 825 times every day.
The Thames River Cleanup Project has begun.
It intends to invest £1.6 billion in sewage treatment works over the next two years, with the goal of lowering total discharge duration across London and the Thames Valley by 2030.

Ms Bentley said in a statement that it had been “an honour to take on such a significant challenge.”

“The foundations of the turnaround that we have established position the company for future success in terms of improving customer service and environmental performance.” “I send my best wishes to everyone involved in the turnaround.

Alastair Cochran, chief finance officer, will now serve as temporary co-chief executive, working alongside Cathryn Ross, the former Ofwat chief executive who will join the firm in 2021.

Mr. Cochran, like Ms. Bentley, forfeited his bonus due to the company’s poor environmental performance and customer service.

Ms Bentley previously got a performance-related incentive of £496,000 in 2022, while Mr Cochran received a bonus of £298,000.

Thames Water claimed in a statement in May that “extraordinary energy costs” and “two severe weather events” had hampered customer service and environmental performance in 2022-23.


Author: ejazmalik

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