Google Cloud capabilities Pakistani consulting company

Google Cloud

Google Cloud capabilities Pakistani consulting company

Google Cloud

LAHORE: On its website, Google Cloud has MM Pakistan (MMP) highlighted as a user case study. One of Pakistan’s biggest consulting companies, MMP, has selected Google Cloud to innovate project development and management consulting. To revitalise its systems, processes, and project delivery mechanisms, the organisation has embraced Google Workspace and created in-house, AI-powered solutions.

Ali Sarfaraz, Director Corporate at MMP, stated that businesses frequently contend with growing data volumes, changing work environments, and the ongoing need to optimise procedures in order to execute operations more effectively. We at MMP are on the cutting edge, constantly seeking for new and improved methods to serve our clients.

In October, MMP selected Google Cloud as its technology partner.  Ali Sarfaraz, Director Corporate at MMP, stated that businesses frequently contend with growing has selected Google Cloud to innovate project development and management consulting. To revitalise its systems, processes, and project delivery mechanisms, the organisation has embraced Google Workspace and created in-house, AI-powered solutions.  data volumes, changing work environments, and the ongoing need to optimise procedures in order to execute operations more effectively.  has selected Google Cloud to innovate project development and management consulting. To revitalise its systems, processes, and project delivery mechanisms, the organisation hasMMP) highlighted as a user case study. One of Pakistan’s biggest consulting companies, MMP, has selected Google.

Cloud to innovate project development and management consulting. To revitalise its systems, processes, and project delivery mechanisms, the organisation has embraced Google Workspace and created in-house, AI-powered solutions. embraced Google Workspace and created in-house, AI-powered solutions. We at  are on the cutting edge, constantly seeking for new and improved methods to serve our clients. MMP) highlighted as a user case study. One of Pakistan’s biggest consulting companies, MMP, has selected Google Cloud to innovate project development and management consulting. To revitalise its systems, processes, and project delivery mechanisms, the organisation has embraced Google Workspace and created in-house, AI-powered solutions.

Author: ejazmalik

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